1. Shravana listening to the praise of lord or chantings of lord.
2. Kirtana - singing the glories of God and Saints, devotional songs and bhajans
3. Smarana - remebering the God or Sadguru wherever we are what ever we are doing.
4. Padsevana - resorting to the feet of Sadguru (Thou art the doer i am the machine) surrender with heart soul and mind.
5. Archana (Worship) Worshiping the God or Sad Guru
6. Namaskara - Bowing to Sadguru and giving the self to Him
7. Dasya service serving the guru with bhava of a dasa a divine servant who serves his Sadguru
8. Sakhyatva (Friendship) looking to Sadguru as a friend and always remembering Him as the best friend.
9. Atmanivedana (surrender of the self)